Good Palmistry health is wealth, so everyone needs good health. Palmistry tells everything about your present and future health. Palmistry represents the health and disease of a person. No matter how much people take care of their health, diseases are common to all. Palmistry astrology can tell about your health by looking at the line of your hand. It is important to see the headline, health line, heart line, and lifeline.
The health of the person should be absolutely strong. If the health line crosses the lifeline, then the health will be weak throughout life. If the health line originates from the lifeline, it indicates good business. A person’s health is influenced by other characteristics of the hand, such as complexion, mount, skin, and nails. A person with Mount Venus will experience good health.
If any distortion is seen in the lines of the health of the person, then the health of the person will not be good. The yellow-colored palm of a person indicates a poor state of health. Heart problems are predicted if the health line joins the heart line. People’s hand lines bring various changes in life. When exposed to conditions of health in the early stages of life, it appears much stronger in the later stages. There will be the complete absence of the line in a healthy person, its presence is only a sign of a poor state of health.
If the health line intersects and spreads its roots all around on reaching the lifeline, then the person may suffer from work-related disease. If the heart line seems to branch from the health line or even cuts the lifeline, then the person may have health-related diseases. If the health line is very strong, but the fingernails are short/round, then the person will get frightened even at the slightest threat. If the nails of a person are long and almond-shaped, then there may be lung disease.
Flat nails with a deeply marked line of health indicate the danger of being paralyzed. If the line is marked and close to the lifeline, the person will have bar fever. If the line of health runs on the hand but does not make contact with the line of life, the person confers great resistance to disease.
If there are some broken lines in the health line, then they will face serious problems in their digestive system like stomach problems.
If the health line divides into two branches, then they enjoy commercial success. They get success in life and get benefits. It is important for everyone to eat a healthy diet. They should exercise and avoid coffee.
The health line starts with the lifeline, usually, people with the profession of helping other people like doctors, lawyers, or nurses will have this line. People who have a line from the mount of Venus mean that their life will be free from pressure in general.
Having an island at the beginning of the health line is a sign of headache, sadness, and brain disease. If there is an island in the middle of the health line, then it is indicating some serious heart diseases like cardiac arrest. However, the lifeline gives accuracy in matters of physical appearance as compared to the heart line.
If the lifeline appears weak, then the person can increase the chances of health problems. They get worried easily if the line is frayed.
To Sum Up
Palmistry gives good and bad indications of your health from the lines of your palm. And you need to know completely about health whether your health will be good or not and whether you enjoy living a good life or not. You can take online astrology consultation regarding this.